Remote-controlled pumping and cleaning unit for confined spaces
Nitrogen displacement
Decanter up to 100 cm/hr
Rotary Screw Thickener
Desander and desilter unit
Static settlement
Highly effective solutions for the reduction of odors
UV lamp. Ozonisation
SEPARTEK provides a wide range of services inside the municipal plant. Our competence is probably best delivered when we are called to clean the digesters, although we are skilled for basins and pits as well. We offer units for cleaning and pumping with command in remote and in site via WIFI.
We have qualified references from the main Utility Company in Italy.
SEPARTEK manages the digester tank under strictly HSE rules. The operators are trained following the prescriptions of certification ISO 9001 and are continuously updated to carry out every job safely and properly.
The nitrogen gas displacement inside the tank before the sludge extraction phase leaves the atmosphere free of hazardous gas like methane, H2S, CO2 etc.