The surgeon evaluates the vision disorder and the health condition of the eye. If the main parameters of suitability are good, it is possible to go ahead with the second step.
Corneal topography is used to check our cornea: thanks to this exam an image of the eye is obtained, and a map of the cornea is created.
It is possible to combine to topography a new technology called Wavefront that grounds on the theory that the light going through an eye is not scattered. However, even an healthy eye is not perfect and light is scattered on the basis of specific models.
Wavefront technology evaluates these different models, allowing to plan a customised operation according to our specific disorder.
They consist in a variety of exams that employs specific instruments to analyse the different parts of the eye and that can measure values such as the corneal thickness, the curvature of the cornea, the dimension of the pupil in different conditions of light, etc. If even these exams confirm the suitability of the patient for the treatment, it is possible to go ahead with the following step.
In the end the specialist will ask about our general health conditions, pathologies that we had in the past and the medicines we have taken. Some health conditions do not allow to undergo the surgery, while in other cases it is possible to postpone the operation, waiting to solve the problem.
This step is extremely important because the specialist explains to the patient the most suitable technique to correct his vision disorder and the expected results.
During this meeting the patient can ask any question to get rid of all his doubts; the final suitability is also a combination of aims: the specialist evaluates the patient’s expectations and on the other hand, in the same way, the patient evaluates if what the specialist is offering to him is adequate as a result.