It’s been a few months since I don’t tolerate contact lenses any more, but I don’t want to wear glasses, also because of my sports activities. Can I undergo a refractive surgery?
I heard about a new laser which is supposed to make refractive surgery safer and more precise. What is it about?
It is the Femtosecond laser. This laser has great potentialities in the ophthalmic field, because it replaces the mechanical equipment formerly used, increasing the surgery precision and reducing the operation risk.
How long does the operation take?
Which are the potential side-effects?
Is everyone suitable for the refractive surgery?
Pre-operative examination is necessary even if the patient’s eyes are in good health: map of the cornea, corneal thickness, etc to guarantee the suitability for the treatment.The international guidelines are detailed and strict, and clearly describe the functional and anatomical parameters that an eye needs to be suitable for the treatment.
Is it possible to have any guarantee on the results?
In most cases, the operation completely succeeds. Thanks to the latest equipment and to the most advanced expertise, the risks of a partial negative result are extremely low. However it is possible to carry out a second treatment.
Is it possible to cure any vision disorder?
Can patient’s sudden movements compromise the operation?
Modern lasers are equipped with a new technology called eye tracking system, which can follow the eye movements during the operation. This technology optimises the ablation and prevents the treatment from beingnot perfectly centred, cancelling the potential errors due toa bad cooperation of the patient.
Is the operation performed under general anaesthetic?
Will the operation be painful?
Is the operation unilateral?
Will I have any difficulty to see at night-time?
How long does it take to go back to work, sport and study?
The Femtosecond laser technique allows to go back to your everyday activities even the day after the operation. Driving is possible as well, without wearingglasses or contact lenses. Sports activities are possible too, except for particular sports that involve physical contact (boxing, judo, rugby or other sports that involve violent impacts). It will be possible to go back to these particular sports approximately 2 months after the operation, after the authorization of your ophthalmologist.
Swimming must be suspended for approximately 1 month for hygienic reasons.
Is there any alternative solution to the laser?
Does the treatment increase the risk of eye pathologies?